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Monday, July 17, 2023, 19:17 -  TV/PC Game
Posted by Administrator

UFO Robot Grendizer – The Feast of the Wolves

【2023.07.17 mirror 訊】 2023年717日,巴黎—Microids很高興向各位玩家宣布,《UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of the Wolves》「金剛戰神:群狼盛宴

將於20231114日推出,可在PlayStation 5PlayStation 4Xbox Series X|SXbox OnePC平台上遊玩。Nintendo Switch版本將於2024年推出。

UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of the Wolves》「金剛戰神:群狼盛宴」將遵循動畫系列的第一個故事軸線發展,帶著玩家們一同重溫史詩般冒險且最具代表性的時刻。遊戲製作團隊特為喜好動畫的粉絲們將熟悉的動畫配樂重新編曲,在體驗過程中能更加身臨其境的感受。這些音樂主題是該動畫成功的重要組成部分,現在玩家將能以互動的方式,沉醉在金剛戰神的動作世界。

為了粉絲們提供一個精彩的遊戲體驗,《UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of the Wolves》「金剛戰神:群狼盛宴」



  • 完整版遊戲

  • 金剛戰神鑰匙圈

  • 3D變換卡片

  • 獨家收藏鐵盒

  • 30*42CM收藏海報


  • 完整版遊戲

  • 金剛戰神鑰匙圈

  • 3D變換卡片

  • 獨家收藏鐵盒

  • 30*42CM收藏海報

  • 典藏版收藏盒

  • 收藏卡片一套四款

  • 三個徽章套組

  • 25公分的獨家Grendizer公仔

  • 一張獨家金色入場券

  • 一本獨家畫冊

  • 數位下載額外的任務及戰神外觀

關於《UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of The Wolves》「金剛戰神:群狼盛宴」:

這款動作遊戲是基於日本知名作家永井豪 (广⑹⑧ ⅳ⑩ /Go Nagai)創作漫畫《UFO Robot Grendizer》所改編的。這款遊戲將讓懷舊玩家有機會扮演弗萊德和他的強大機器人,享受史詩般的冒險。這個獨特的機會,



UFO Robot Grendizer: The Feast of The Wolves》「金剛戰神:群狼盛宴」將於20231114日在PlayStation 5PlayStation 4Xbox Series X|SXbox OnePC平台上發售。Nintendo Switch版本將於2024年推出。

了解更多 Microids 請點擊 LinkedinLinkedin Facebook, Twitter ram

或官方網站: http://www.microids.com/

所有相關影片盡在 Youtube

About Microids

Microids is a French video game publisher. Founded in 1985, Microids’ editorial strategy now focuses on 4 major areas:

adventure games, racing games, retro gaming and games inspired by iconic titles. By collaborating with renowned studios and authors (Revolution Software, Sloclap, Oddworld Inhabitants, Pendulo Studios, Eden Studios, Go Nagai, Charles Cecil, Benoît Sokal, Paul Cuisset…), Microids has become a major player in international video games. Taking inspiration from legendary titles, Microids reaches a wide audience and creates original adventures which give gamers the chance to play as some of their most beloved characters.

About Dynamic Planning

Dynamic Planning Co., Ltd. is a licensing company established in April 1974 by Go Nagai, the original author of manga works such as Mazinger Z, Glendizer, and Devilman.

About Endroad

Endroad is a French video game development studio based in Nantes. Composed by passionate gamers, Enroad prides itself in forging new ways to provide players with innovative and high quality gaming experiences. Always paying attention to player’s feedback, the studio is aiming to please with every project. The studio is inviting everyone to join its ever growing community on Discord and discuss all things Grendizer! (https://discord.com/invite/tp3...).

Ripples Asia Venture Pte Ltd

160 ROBINSON ROAD #05-08 SINGAPORE (068914), Singapore


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