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Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 14:12 -  TV/PC Game
Posted by Administrator

這次我們確定是因為 DEAD ISLAND 2 順利完成製作

2023.02.15 mirror 訊】洛「慘」磯,加州,2023 2 14日: | Deep Silver Dambuster Studios 在今天確認期待已久的喪屍殺戮傳奇《Dead Island 2》已經順利完成製作。 作為慶祝,兩家公司還決定縮短粉絲的等待時間,並比預期提前一周發售遊戲。 殭屍殺戮將於 2023 4 21 日星期五開始。

開創性的《Dead Island》系列於 2011 年首次亮相,並成為有史以來觀看次數最多的遊戲預告片之一。 最新遊戲在 2022 gamescom Opening Night Live 活動中發佈了一段先聲奪人的血腥預告片,玩家將踏上一場血腥之旅,體驗頂級動作和黑色幽默並逃離陷入殭屍出沒的混亂之中,現在綽號 洛「慘」磯 的洛杉磯。

遊戲將在 2023 4 21 日發售,在開始為生存而戰之前,Deep Silver 將為系列粉絲展示更多遊戲玩法和預告片。

請追蹤我們的 Twitter Instagram @DeadIslandGameFacebook @DeadIslandGameUK www.deadisland.com 以獲得更多《Dead Island 2》的資訊。

Dead Island 2》將於 Xbox Series X Xbox One PlayStation®5 PlayStation®4 Google Stadia Epic Games Store 上發售,預購經已展開。





  1. 探索洛杉磯地獄:《Dead Island 2》將帶玩家跨越天使之城最具代表性的地點,但如今處處都染滿恐怖;您將在比華利山翠綠郊區、威尼斯海灘的奇異步道等地展開驚奇的低俗冒險。

  1. 殘暴的近戰沙盒:戰鬥系統帶來激烈、血肉橫飛與暴力程度達到極限的第一人稱體驗,有多種武器與戰術 (以及暴力) 選擇,能在屍群中開出一條路。無論斬擊、敲擊、燃燒或撕裂,我們都希望您殺得真正有感。

  1. 成為終極殭屍殺手:有六名角色可選擇,每一名都有各自的獨特性格與對話。您可以完全自訂每一名殺手的能力,利用全新的技能系統讓您立即重新分配能力並試出最瘋狂的組合。

  1. 殭屍泛濫:準備好體驗遊戲界最先進的肢解系統了嗎?我們的洛杉磯到處都是有寫實外觀與反應的殭屍。這些變異怪胎就是《Dead Island 2》復生腐爛的核心要角,有數十種獨特的殭屍種類,每一種都有各自的變異、攻擊方式與數百種洛杉磯主題的造型變化。我們的怪物無情、高強,而且是真正的洛杉磯人。您能倖存下來嗎?

  1. 電影風格合作冒險:《Dead Island 2》是一款正統的角色扮演遊戲,提供大量刺激任務、破天荒的角色,以及驚險的低俗劇情,讓您真正沉浸在扭曲的世界觀中。保證百玩不膩。另外還有精彩誇張的合作模式,最多可以三名玩家進行,保證讓您能在洛杉磯度過一段十分長久 (並且暴力) 的旅程。

請追蹤我們的 Twitter Instagram @DeadIslandGame Facebook @DeadIslandGameUK 以獲得更多《Dead Island 2》的資訊。

© 2023 PLAION GmbH and published by Deep Silver. Developed by Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. Additional development by Fishlabs GmbH. Deep Silver, Dead Island, Dambuster, Fishlabs and their respective logos are trademarks of PLAION GmbH. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.


Deep Silver develops and distributes interactive games for all platforms. The Deep Silver label means to captivate all gamers who have a passion for thrilling gameplay in exciting game worlds by creating products of the highest possible quality, always focusing on what the customer desires.

Deep Silver has published more than 200 games since 2003, including its own brands like the open world extravaganza Saints Row, the zombie action franchise Dead Island, and the gritty, post-apocalyptic Metro series. Upcoming highlights from Deep Silver include the next entries into the TimeSplitters and Dead Island franchises. Deep Silver development studios include Deep Silver Dambuster Studios and Free Radical Design, both in Nottingham, UK as well as Deep Silver Fishlabs who are based in Hamburg, Germany. For more information please visit www.deepsilver.com

All product titles, publisher names, trademarks, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyright material of the respective owners. All rights reserved.


Deep Silver Dambuster Studios is a AAA game developer with a heritage spanning over 20 years, with around 170 designers, narrators, artists, programmers and engineers making up the talented team.

Established in Nottingham (UK), the studio was founded by a passionate team of games industry veterans, with the genesis of the studio traced back to the late 1990s, when several people formed Free Radical Design where they worked on TimeSplitters.

In 2014 the studio was acquired by Deep Silver and rebranded Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. It released Homefront: The Revolution for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in 2016. In the 12 months following the launch of Homefront it released additional Resistance Mode content and three individual story expansions; The Voice of Freedom, Aftermath and the final story bookend, Beyond the Walls.

The studio is now developing the next instalment in the highly successful Dead Island series of games.

For more information please visit www.DSDambuster.com.


PLAION is a leading independent developer and producer of games and entertainment products, with nine development studios and five publishing units based all over the world. Founded in 1994 as Koch Media, PLAION offers a unique breadth of services and solutions, dynamically growing its business to push ourselves and our partners to the forefront in all the segments we operate in. PLAION runs a multi-label strategy, with fully owned publishing units, such as Deep Silver, Prime Matter, Milestone, Vertigo Games and Ravenscourt, publishing games for consoles, PC and VR platforms across all physical and digital channels. Additionally - as a global publishing partner - PLAION has formed long-term multinational publishing collaborations with numerous game publishers including Activision Blizzard, Bethesda, Capcom, Focus Multimedia, Giants Software, Koei Tecmo, Paradox, Sega, SNK, Square Enix, Techland, THQ Nordic, Tripwire, Warner Bros and many others. With its parent company in Höfen, Austria - and the HQ in Munich, Germany - PLAION owns local publishing companies in Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Australia, the United States as well as Japan and Hong Kong. PLAION owns nine game development studios: Deep Silver Dambuster Studios (Nottingham, UK), Fishlabs (Hamburg, DE), Warhorse Studios (Prague, CZ), Milestone (Milan, IT), Voxler (Paris, FR) , DigixArt (Montpellier, FR), Flying Wild Hog (Warsaw, Kraków, Rzeszów, PL), Free Radical Design (Nottingham, UK) and Vertigo Games (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, NL). Additionally, PLAION collaborates with numerous independent development studios around the world. Part of PLAION is also PLAION PICTURES, a leading independent film distributor in Europe with a library of more than 1.400 titles. Further business operations include Sola Media, a sales agency and production company for family entertainment, Spotfilm Networx, a multi-channel streaming network, and a sub-label dedicated to Japanese animation. PLAION also owns the leading video game merchandise company DPI Merchandising (Denver, Roseburg, USA and Munich, DE) and a Quality Assurance Facility in Olomouc, CZ. PLAION is an Embracer Group company.


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