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Monday, July 28, 2014, 19:06 -
Posted by Administrator
【2014.07.28 mirror訊】
CentOS-6 Open Source Linux 下載

CentOS 7 is here

The CentOS Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 7 for x86_64, including images for docker, and various cloud providers. There are many fundamental changes in this release, compared to previous releases of CentOS. Notably the inclusion of systemd, Gnome3, and a default filesystem of XFS. For more information about what makes CentOS 7 stand out, please see our release notes.

With the release of CentOS 7, the board will be able to focus on getting the Community Builders online, and facilitating the progress for the several Special Interest Groups that have been on hold during the release cycle.

Groups such as OpenStack, Xen4, Gluster, and oVirt can now customize CentOS Linux directly inside the project, building CentOS variants for new workloads on top of the slow-and-steady core platform. Read more about the variants proposal»

Get CentOS 7 Now

CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System)是Linux發行版之一,它是來自於Red Hat Enterprise Linux依照開放原始碼規定釋出的原始碼所編譯而成。由於出自同樣的原始碼,因此有些要求高度穩定性的伺服器以CentOS替代商業版的Red Hat Enterprise Linux使用。兩者的不同,在於CentOS並不包含封閉原始碼軟體。

CentOS 對上游代碼的主要修改是為了移除不能自由使用的商標。
Red Hat與開放源碼的CentOS專案(CentOS Project)結盟,雙方共同打造新的CentOS,並攜手推動新一代開放源碼技術的開發與採用。

CentOS版本號有兩個部份,一個主要版本和一個次要版本,主要和次要版本號分別對應於RHEL的主要版本與更新套件,CentOS採取從RHEL的原始碼套件來構建。例如CentOS 4.4構建在RHEL 4.0的更新第4版。

自2006年中,CentOS 4.4版本開始(前身為RHEL 4.0更新第4版),Red Hat採用了和CentOS完全相同的版本約定,例如:Red Hat 4.5。

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