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《真‧女神轉生:IMAGINE》將於 10 月上旬推出「物靈合體」 Fedora Fedora core 21 ubuntu 12.04 《真‧女神轉生:IMAGINE》將於 10 月上旬推出「物靈合體」 Fedora FireFox 34 OpenOffice 4.0 CentOS 7 《真‧女神轉生:IMAGINE》將於 10 月上旬推出「物靈合體」 Fedora Apache MySQL PHP Eclipse

決勝時刻®:現代戰爭 III 2024 《Gran Saga:格蘭騎士團》2023 《暗黑破壞神® IV》2023 《黑色沙漠 MOBILE》2023
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《真‧女神轉生:IMAGINE》將於 10 月上旬推出「物靈合體」 Fedora

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Saturday, June 4, 2011, 20:36 -
Posted by Administrator

Fedora 15 開放下載

Fedora 15 Final Release Criteria
Release Notes for Fedora 15

Final Release Requirements

In order to be released to the general public, the Final Candidate (RC) must meet all of the following criteria. This is intended to make the decision process as clear and straightforward as possible. Mostly met items are incomplete until they are met. Optional and nice to have items should not be included in this list.


There may be times where a requirement is unmet only in a particular configuration, such as with some keyboard layouts but not others, or if a particular character is used in a username, password or passphrase. In such cases, the release team should use their judgment and refer to precedent to determine whether or not the issue should be considered to block the release. They should consider the number of users likely to be affected by the issue, the severity of the case when the issue is encountered, and the ease or otherwise with which the issue can be avoided by both informed and uninformed users.

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